Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Validity of the perception of separateness with other fellow beings: Soul and Body perspective.

I am a reconstruction of the materials of this world. I took birth in my mother's tummy. I took this form there and from the very first day that this form came in to existence, it has grown only. With time, this form, this existence of mine has grown old. But this existence is not just flesh or physical materials and this is evident from the fact of death itself. When i die, this physical material will stay but it will not move. the ability to move would have been gone. That ability which we call spirit will be gone. It is an energy which cannot be seen, cannot be touched, cannot be smelled of or anything that can be done to the physical material cannot be done to it.

What separates me from other fellow beings on this earth is my recognition of this physical body. I have no idea about the intangible ability i.e. spirit except that it drives this existence and its departure is the cause of death. I am not able to identify that spirit or soul. I don't know it in entirety. What i know in entirety is this body. The identification with this body brings to me the thoughts which makes me perceive the separation from others. At the base of all the criterion that I employ to declare or validate my perception of the separateness from others, there lie the factors sprouting from the attributes of this physical existence, which is the only dimension of my existence that i know in entirety. The differences and separateness that i perceive sprouts from the characteristics peculiar to the body. And this reliance on the attributes arising from the physical is ignorance in itself because i live not because of or only on this physical existence, rather i live in that soul which drives this physical existence of mine.

The perception of separateness is not valid because it comes from objects which are themselves unrelated to me. They give me just the means to live this life but they are not the real self of mine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

God to my mind.

The divine is within me. Its not someone separate from me. I am the One who makes up this world and the surroundings and everything else. We all make up the God. We are all His constituents. He feels good when we feel good and He feels bad, when we feel bad. He is not someone other than us. He's nothing without us. We make up the God. We all collectively are called God. He has extended Himself is us. He is formed of us, the living beings. We are all like His sensory organs or His body parts through which He feels. All His sensations come from us. We are all His extensions. All the world around us is created by us only. We are god. God is us. I am the God. I with all the other beings around me is God. My existence is not just mine. In reality, i do not exist. It is the Collectivity i.e. we all together forming God, that exists.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A realisation

Just in tune with the law of conservation of energy and matter, it is noteworthy that as and when a being on this earth dies i.e. when the invisible enrgy which is called as spirit by us leaves the body, the body decomposes and forms part of the earth. It becomes the earth, the soil which is the site of vegetation that grows for the living beings existing on the surface of earth. In the ultimate analysis,the life on earth, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian, lives on the green growth on earth i.e. plants and trees. And this vegetation(plants and trees) which sustains life itself derives its growth and nutrition from the earth, the soil.

We human beings or the other animals which live on earth derive their growth from this vegetation which in turn is formed from the nutrients which come from earth. In addition to this, whenever new life takes form inside of a mother, it also gets its physical envelope from the nutrients derived from that vegetation only. This means every new life on earth is composed of the ingredients derived from the earth which is formed of the decomposed remains of the dead beings. This means that the matter on earth recycles itself, it takes different forms everytime a new life comes into existence.

It means that this body of mine is composed of those materials/atoms which have been at some time in the past part of some other being. The energy(we call it spirit) which drives this physical existence of mine is i think different but the material composition is a repeatition, it is reconstitution. Since I took form inside of my mother, this physical existence bestowed on me has grown. In this gradual growth pattern of my body, even the primary stage i.e. the formation of embryo was a recontitution of the same old material.

This means that the earth and its constituents have remained the same since centuries(or probably since its inception). The only thing that has changed is the residence of energy(spirit which remains in transit: cycle of life and death) within that vast expanse of matter. When that energy (decides to or is asked to) take(s) shape, we say that a being has taken birth.

Life: Simple as it appears but mysterious in that which is yet to be understood.