Saturday, October 9, 2010

The right stand!

Life is permanent in the sense that it has always been there and will always stay on the face of this earth. Still, it is impermanent if one looks at an individual face of life i.e. an individual.

Life as whole will stay
but its faces shall go away
in the unknown,
fairly same as that in which they were born.
We never know
why we came
still we attribute purposes to our lives,
sometimes good, bad sometimes.

Now how to take this permanence or impermanence?

One may become pessimistic or may be optimistic!

He may say " why to do anything if everything is going to end?"


He may say, " This life is just once, i may never get it again, so i should discover as much as i can in this world which has been made beautiful by those who were here before me and are here with me."

What's your take?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Never Known to Anyone!

Never has the question about existence of life been answered by anyone. No one has ever known, why life exists on this earth. Human race has been here for centuries, but still no one has been able to find the reason about why life exists.

No reason.

One day I came to this world,
someday I will leave.
Numberless came and they too left
and so will I.
Since they have gone,
no one has returned yet.
And i too will go
never to return.

Everyone on the earth
who came, went.
Those who will come,
will invariably go.
Those who have already gone
and those who are still here
and those who will come in future,
everyone has/had the same end,
to end in this earth.

They came,
were nourished by this earth and by the love,
and in the end, they dissolved themselves in the earth
paying off the material debt.
But they never paid fully,
the intangible debt of love.
Why did they come,
they never knew
but they still lived and then left.

Why am I
and my fellows are
Like those who have already gone,
we too don't know the reason
for why we are here!
Without reason
how do i pursue this life?
How do i give it a meaning?
How do i follow any feeling?

Life is a truth
that is known to defy its truthfulness by ending one day
but again proving its existence by appearing with another new face.

Life is truth,
with many faces.
Numerous faces testify its veracity,
but how to believe those faces
when they themselves end into nothing one day.

Life is a truth that is proved to be unproved in circle.