thoughts and ideas when gain lasting influencing spanning centuries, they tend to become final attributes of human life to those who are by some chance of destiny find themselves subjected to those ideas and thoughts. and their non-finality appears convincing when the incoherent effect of their influence is observed in the situations around the individuals who are so subject to them. the conflict in the world is not merely of the differing ideas and thought-processes, the thoughts and ideas are in themselves contradictory for they are not able to lead to their own proposed final ends. ideas and thoughts which so tend to govern life originate in ramdomness of this infinite vast and therefore are themselves random and without any ends and so are their effects.
no other reason appears for the age old aphorism that human life is bound to be expended in strife. And the specific reference to the 'human' is because the aforesaid conclusion is of the human experiential philosphers and of the animal world, we have no idea to ascertain the conclusions.What end could life subscribe to in view of the meaninglessness writ large and so boldly on the creation as far as we have been able to decipher it; not really decipher, rather observe.
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